drink too much of caffeine especially my 3 in 1 tea & nescafe just 2-3 hours from my hours of sleep practice (11-12pm)...& as a result,i have to get out from my room several times just to eliminated my waste product in the middle of the night!! (how embracing i could wrote this in my blog & everyone be able to know this! but what should i care??) also at the same time i'll take a nap at more or less then 1-2 am, while the next day i got my am duty!!! & have to get ready before 6.30 am!! whack! then im being sleepy & not keen to be energetic to get into my work...bwhahaha luckily im still a student.. :D
>just perfect<
keep hearing songs that will make my mind go beyond my expectation & envy my will..which is remembering "him" which is related to that song....but what can i do?? i really do like that song more than him! ahaks not because of someone that can makes me either like or dislike something! hey i got my own integrity & perspective ok!
can't leave my grocery session without a bar of chocolate and a cup of mayonnaise corn..whoaa im craving for it!! even i know whats' the bad side of it, since im a healthcare workers to-be..hehe don't care lalaalala~
>i like cadbury's black forest....nyummy!
listening to music while im about to get on with my lecture session....huahua so sorry madam !
can't get off my hand from my lappy & internet connection eventhough right in my head my worried related to my exam paper the next day was pumping at the high volume! adrenalin running through my veins! urgghh too addicted with internet! bad influence..